And the yearning to swim adventure…


‘Masking for it’

Todays I was really tired but hauled my butt to the pools anyway, and it was raining but lightly enough to still go outside.  For some reason I really dislike the indoor pool, I seem to find it harder to breathe in the warmer water.  Strange! So far I have been having trouble with the …Continue reading


What can I say?  I enjoyed the progress I made on Sunday and wanted to keep it going so back to the pool it was on Tuesday.  I thought I did pretty well on Sunday to do 25 lengths all up, and wondered if I would have enough steam to do that again since it …Continue reading

A Cap ‘n’ Goggles for Cap’n Goggles

So with Capoeira on Friday night and Slackline on Saturday, it turned out to be Sunday that I made it to the pool again.  This time I went to the big pool without the little kiddies so I could preserve my dignity try to swim some bigger distances in more realistic conditions.  I decided to …Continue reading

The Kiddy Pool

So today I went to my first ever swimming lesson. I’m also 28 years old. I found out that there’s a learn to swim center a 1.5 minute downhill (ordinary, not electric) bike ride away from my house, which is awesome. The only catch? It was designed for children and they do adult lessons, buuuut …Continue reading
