And the yearning to swim adventure…

I’m this many: *with hands* 10+10+8

Today’s novelty title is brought to you by the need for me to confirm to the people at the counter that I am indeed an adult, haha. I must be aging a bit though because now they ask me more often than they charge me kids prices. Damn teaching career.

Short post today, suffice to say that I had 2 goals: to swim as much freestyle as I could and do more lengths in my hour and a bit than I have so far.

All up this time I must have done 33 lengths, so 1.65km and in about 1 hour and 15mins. I did the following:

  • 2x50m lengths warm up drills
  • 18x50m freestyle
  • 2x50m breaststroke
  • 2x50m backstroke
  • 4x25m freestyle individually trying to swim fast (around 30seconds)
  • 4x25m continuous with flip turns until I got water up my nose
  • 4x25m freestyle continuous
  • 6x25m backstroke continuous

Aaaaand the good news is I finally made it more than 2 lengths continuous freestyle! In fact I tripled my previous best with a huge 350m! That’s 7 whole lengths of the outdoor pool. Imagine if someone had taught me to swim when I was a kid *le sigh*. Oh well I’m doing it now and that’s what matters.

I’m 1/3 of the way to my goal and I’m finally feeling relaxed and my lungs aren’t burning. Now I just need to build a bit more endurance and get on top of not breathing in water or getting it up my nose. I can see how it could theoretically be possible to just swim continuously for 1km so we’ll see how we go.

Pretty good progress for 1.5 weeks I reckon!  I’ve now nailed 7 out of my 10 goals: both 50m, both 100m, both 250m and 500m any stroke.  Only the 500 freestyle and 1km ones to go!


250m/250m continuous freestyle
250m/1000m continuous freestyle


December 3, 2013 This post was written by Categories: Uncategorized No comments yet

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