And the yearning to swim adventure…

December, 2013

Be careful what you wish for…

Well, I came into this hoping to learn to swim, to breathe and to hopefully make it past that 12.5m barrier from my first swimming lesson.  I thought those were reasonable goals and that I could build my way up, so I set the ambitious target of 1km.  I have to say after struggling my …Continue reading

Thwarted, warts and all.

Nah, there’s not really any warts involved in this post, they’re just one of those things people always say you get from swimming pools.  And thwarted has the word wart in it.  I’m waffling because my swim today didn’t go according to plan. Ugh, what a pain. I totally just went for a swim, tried …Continue reading

Halfway: I’ve come as far as I have left to go.

Yep you read that right.  I debated going swimming last night, was tired and didn’t really feel like it but I persevered and was handsomely rewarded.  When I thought I wouldn’t make my 350m again, I managed to keep going to 500m, and I did 34 lengths all up.  I got there late though so …Continue reading

I’m this many: *with hands* 10+10+8

Today’s novelty title is brought to you by the need for me to confirm to the people at the counter that I am indeed an adult, haha. I must be aging a bit though because now they ask me more often than they charge me kids prices. Damn teaching career. Short post today, suffice to …Continue reading
