And the yearning to swim adventure…


What can I say?  I enjoyed the progress I made on Sunday and wanted to keep it going so back to the pool it was on Tuesday.  I thought I did pretty well on Sunday to do 25 lengths all up, and wondered if I would have enough steam to do that again since it was a week night!  I once again braved the outdoor pool (26 degrees is totally warm if you ask me).

I thought I would ease into it so I started with 10 lengths of various strokes to warm up with breaks (didn’t want to use up all the juice at once!).

After that (and writing my milestone goals in the weekend) I went for 2 continuous backstroke lengths, figuring “Hey, let’s knock out a goal today!”.  I made it to the end of 2 slow lengths still above the water and breathing, so figured I might as well go for a third, then a fourth, then… Then did 10… So 500m backstroke. Oh look we just found the WTF?! How is it possible that I can swim 500m backstroke?? Why did nobody tell me this?! So I just blew my 100m any stroke, 250m any stroke and 500m any stroke goals out of the water completely – and yes I will enjoy that pun!

I also managed to do 10 lengths of freestyle breathing properly but with rests. 6 or 7 of them I got the whole way S-S-B. The others I swallowed water, haha.

So all up 32 lengths or 1.6km, 350m more than last time in the same amount of time 1hr 20mins. And 500m continuous backstroke! WTF?

So progress for today, a few milestones done!

100m/100m any stroke
250m/250m any stroke
500m/500m any stroke
50m/50m S-S-B freestyle

And the big ones:

50m/1000m freestyle
500m/1000m any stroke


November 26, 2013 This post was written by Categories: Uncategorized Tagged with:
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